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Drama Therapy


Building Resilience


Acting for the Future

We help children and young adults in South East England recognise and explore their social and emotional wellbeing, through interactive workshops, drama therapy and theatrical techniques.


Such learning develops a better understanding and awareness of mental health, results in improved academic focus and establishes communication tools. This subsequently allows children and young adults to move forward through life stages with enhanced confidence and resilience.  



Why Drama and Role-Play?


Theatre is high impact, it makes an impression, it makes what we are discovering memorable. Scientific research shows that physical activity results in uplifting your mind and soul and when you are learning alongside physical activity, you embody those lessons far more quickly and effectively. It's called Engaged Learning, keeping children and young people focused and energised whilst subtly slipping in key messages which are absorbed without the need for confronting conversations.



The Flip Method


It is well recognised that if we are not relaxed and free in body and mind then learning is bypassed. By creating a relaxed and fun environment with friends, group therapy of this kind allows children to comfortably observe each other's reactions, avoiding embarrassing individuals by singling them out.

'I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being.'


Oscar Wilde

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